Otto luogo dell’arte si trasforma e si trasferisce dal 1 aprile 2013

After two years of exhibitions and proposals, Otto luogo dell’arte is undergoing transformation and changing location. We’ve investigated the difficult border zones where creativity is free, but also subject to facing certain parameters.
The area between art and design has inspired passions, doubts and perplexity, depending on the observer’s thoughts. With our small private initiative, we receive no municipal or other politically-derived support, we ventured into this stormy sea, counting on dreamy sideways glances from those who don’t accept the conformity of things, but in whom conformity itself inspires new styles, new objects.
We hosted 22 shows and events, featuring 73 artists architects, designers, photographers and even writers, of all ages, from all over the world, who gave us and our visitors unprecedented, interesting visions and perspectives.
We explored their expressive techniques, both ancient and futuristic: mosaics, wrought iron, carpentry, tapestry, lost-wax casting, ceramics, majolica, terracotta, glass, marquetry, marble-carving, aluminum, lamps, photography, installations, oil painting, acrylics, collage, drawing, fiction etc.
Many household objects and non-household objects were visited with these techniques, including: chairs, tables, lamps, mattresses, bedspreads, portable chimneys, vases, paintings, table centerpieces, mirrors, end-tables, wall-clocks, cushions, chargers, tablecloths, sculptures, figurines, fruit baskets, coffee tables, bookshelves and also a nightstand book of dream-stories, etc.
We opened ourselves up to collaborations with other galleries, stores, factories and artisans of the highest quality. We faced critics and historians of art & design, among them: Cloe Piccoli, Isa Tutino, Philippe Daverio, Vanni Pasca, Gianni Pettena, Alessandro Mendini, Beppe Finessi, Maurizio Vanni, Ugo La Pietra, Pasquale Persico, Maurizio Corrado…We opened a dialogue with the academic world, public and private, to speak openly with new creative energies.
A collection of objects filtered down, crafted by various authors who needed to be carefully defined and placed in order to give them the proper support. Otto luogo dell’arte’s space was an open window: we prefer this appellation to gallery. We’re already in the tunnel (the word in Italian is the same as gallery); we’d rather direct ourselves towards stronger illumination.
Our exhibitionist experience in Florence and our participation in fairs and other events in other European cities suggested methods and solutions for developing Otto’s activity. We think the moment has come to identify areas to deepen and clarify our operational intent. We’ll develop our activity in a more concrete and functional way as regards various aspects of the material with which we’ve always worked: the relationship between art and design.

The new headquarters and office will be in Palazzo Rucellai, 4th floor.

Exhibition proposals, new objects or encounters will be held and placed in an apartment in Palazzo Lotteringhi della Stufa.

Our activity can be monitored in a small shopwindow on Via de’ Palchetti, also in Palazzo Rucellai.
