Giò Pomodoro
Sex signs
collezione Megalopoli, 1979
coppia di tavolini in marmo con segno femminile e segno maschile.
i tavoli sono eseguiti in marmo nero del Belgio.
il piano misura cm 50 x 50 x 3
ognuna delle quattro gambe cm 22,5 x 10 x 10.
Giò Pomodoro was born in Orciano di Pesaro on November 17, 1930. He is considered one of the most important abstract sculptors of the 20th century’s international scene. Starting in 1955, collaborating with his older brother Arnaldo and with artists such as Dorazio, Novelli, Turcato, Tancredi, Perilli and Fontana, he presented works with the “Continuità” group, which had the partecipation of critics such as Guido Ballo, Giulio Carlo Argan and Franco Russoli. He later broke with these artisti and moved towards a philosophy of “rational representation of signs”. Dedicating himself actively to painting, to artistic goldsmithing, stage design and design, he was often invited to the Biennale di Venezia and Documenta Kassel. He showed a predilection for ample floating areas in bronze and great blocks sculpted from marble or rigidly carved in stone. Empty spaces usually open in these pieces to allow sunlight to break in. The sun, in fact, is often the subject of his pieces (even though it’s not explicitly represented), to which some of the author’s precise ideological meanings are linked. He died in Milan on December 21, 2002.