Nove artisti per Otto


With this showcase OTTO presents an unpublished work by Livio Tessandori , an oil painting, 100 x 100 cm, worked with his sophisticated and refined technique. Work that modulates spaces according to the rhythms and emotions away but deeply familiar. Imagine that you are asking us to wonder if somewhere inside us we have something familiar. The ceramic sculpture of Danilo Trogu Colored Fry, where the elaborate and broken form by manual creativeness expresses its belonging to the origins: the ground. These works being accompanied with historical items from the Collection Megalopoli of Agneta Holst as the Pistoletto’s bench and sculptures pieces made of Carrara marble by Consagra , which have been exhibited in museums and major exhibitions in many cities of the world, Paolo Buggiani with Love Light , lamp with glass globe and wood base. The ball, hand-blown glass with a mixture of multi – colored and with two openings in the globe to adjust bright opening larger or smaller. It runs on the floor to tell the collaboration with Boralevi an interesting carpet lane.

Mauro Lovi e Olivia Toscani Rucellai



Pietro Consagra, Equal Equality, coppia di sgabellini in marmo grigio di Carrara, 35 x 15 x h 27, ( Collezione Megalopoli di Agneta Holst per OTTO )


Michelangelo Pistoletto, Blue Bench (con piano in specchio), 55 x 140 x h 85, ( Collezione Megalopoli di Agneta Holst per OTTO )



Paolo Buggiani, Love Light, lampada con globo in vetro, 15 x 15 x 9, ( Collezione Megalopoli di Agneta Holst per OTTO )


Carla Accardi, Mixed Mirror I, Specchio, ø 70 cm, ( Collezione Megalopoli di Agneta Holst per OTTO )


Monica Fossi Giannozzi, Garzia e la Passione per la bici, stampa dall’originale creata per ‘Ruote d’Artista’ Lucca, ø 32 cm

Antonino Lo Presti, Figura Femminile, collage di carte colorate, 2010, 70 x 40 cm


Livio Tessandori, dipinto ad olio 100 x 100 cm, 2013


Danilo Trogu, Frittura a colori, scultura in ceramica, 64 x 40 x h 31


Daniele Boralevi, tappeto Berbero (Marocco) di cm 290 x 140
