Cristina Massei
La sfera dei sogni d’oro
Oh! Nirica, 2011
mussola, chiffon, seta, pizzo e foglia d’oro
aperta: cm 88 x 55
chiusa: cm 12
Born in Lucca on Dec. 7, 1975. Degree at the Accademia delle Belle Arti in Florence, she approached the world of the theater as a scenery technician at the Teatro del Giglio, in Lucca. Collaborations, among which “Compagnia Teatro del Carretto, Teatro Politeama di Cascina etc…”, I started work at Alessandra Marchi’s “rose e sassi” (“Roses and Rocks”) fashion firm, where I learned a passion for the world of clothes, seen not as objects, but as letters of an alphabet.