Carla Accardi
Mix mirror I
collezione Megalopoli, 1981
specchio rotondo in legno.
cornice composta di triangoli in legno sovrapposti.
ogni lato dei triangoli misura cm 19
e il diametro della specchiera è di cm 70.
Mix mirror II
collezione Megalopoli, 1981
specchiera ottagonale in legno serigrafato.
la cornice dello specchio misura cm 87 x 62 x 2
lo spessore della parte frontale è di cm 7.
Carla Accardi, an Italian artist, was born in Trapani on October 9, 1924. Since 1945, her paintings contributed to the affirmation of abstract art in Italy. She is one of the most original Italian artists of the post-WW2 years. After completing studies at the Accademia delle Belle Arti of Palermo in 1947, she joined the Formalismo movement and co-founded the avant-garde group known as Gruppo Forma 1. Having chosen non-figuration, in 1945 she created “auto-regenerative” pieces, in which white lines appear on black backgrounds in order to create a “spacial antinomy”.
In 1977, she participated in Coopertarte, an artists’ collective that “tried to explore new forms of relationships, and new ways of relating to the public.” In 1996 she was nominated as a member of the Accademia di Brera; in 1997, she was part of the Commissione per la Biennale di Venezia, as a Consigliere. Her works are present in the Galleria Nazionale di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea in Rome (GNAM), in the Collezione Peggy Guggenheim in Venice, at the MUSMA (Museo di Scultura Contemporanea, Matera), at the Museo del Novecento and the Solerniana, in Erice.