Mauro Lovi

Mauro Lovi architect, painter, designer. Born in Lucca, 1953; still lives and works there. Began his career as an artist in the 70s, his practice as an independent architect in 1986. In 2005, he won the Publishing for Communication section of the Premio Nazionale Gianfranco Fedrigoni for his book, La casa nella Scatola (The House in the Box), produced for Comieco, Milan. In 2007, he made two bronze pieces, Naiadi (Naiads) and Tu Aravi la Terra Io L’Aria (You Plowed the Earth, I Plowed the Sky) for piazza Cutuma Andria e Oltremare in Savelletri (Fasano), Puglia. He curated the show Pittura tra Parentesi (Painting in Parentheses), editions 2007  and 2008 for the Provincia di Lucca. Saumandise, one-man show of drawings, Galleria Artycon, Offenbach, Germania. In 2009, Arte del Quotidiano (Everyday Art), curated by I. Tutino, A. Jannone, M. Lovi, a path between art and design 1970 -2000; curator, project display and image coordination, Fondazione Ragghianti, Lucca. 2010  Lucca. Signifying Infinity, The Power of Contemporary Symbols, Da Xiang Art Space, Taichung City, Taiwan. 2011 Otto Luogo dell’Arte, gallery, restauration project, art director and image director, Florence. Radura (Clearing), one-man show of paintings at Otto Luogo dell’Arte, Florence and at  Palazzo Rucellai, Florence. Megalopoli, Storia di una Collezione di Arte e Design, curated exhibit and catalog for the exhibition, Otto, Florence. 54th Biennale di Venezia, Italian Pavillion, 150 Anni Unità d’Italia, Villa Bardini, Florence. He is a member of the Comitato Scientifico (curatorial group) of the Fondazione Ragghianti.
