Elisabetta Nencini
Otto’ s showcase window
from Friday October 4th visible also by appointment in via de’ Palchetti, Florence.
Elisabetta Nencini, has been defined as a versatile multi-faceted expression: creative and innovative it is thus the production of wide-ranging and open-minded, that the protagonist of numerous exhibitions, mother and creator of highly innovative works in the contemporary art scene.
Intuitive, Elisabetta Nencini loves to work closely with the materials it uses, forging, which is to submit to his creative and innovative. Prerogative of the artist is to explore all the potential that the material itself offers: we see here, as in all his creative processes, the emergence of his innate passion for detail. The attention to detail is reflected and stands as a central artistic subject, taking to the highest dignity of the object of study. The basic rhythm of the artist is made of matter, form, color and line, the same line that is the source of plots, expression and rectitude and deviation at the same time. Now the two-dimensionality wants emancipate its position, wants to be able to be, in addition to visible, tangible observer. The line is so processed and projected in a new context, being so stretch that joins, splits, knots and weaves. It ‘s a sign language, a layered textures of feelings in the memory.
con il patrocinio