Lorenzo Perrone
Onde oniriche
Oh! Nirica, 2011
serie dei libri bianchi
9 libri veri, gesso, vernice acrilica, resina poliuretanica, legno
cm 120 x 90 x 30
The dreamer
Oh! Nirica, 2011
serie dei libri bianchi
1 libro vero, in gesso, vernice acrilica, resina e legno
cm 65 x 50 x 25
Lorenzo Perrone was born in Milan. He attended the “Scuola del Libro” (Book School) at Umanitaria University and the School of Painting at the “Castello Sforzesco”. He began a career in advertising in Milan, later moved to London and then to New York. He returned to Italy and opened Blue44, a creative studio of graphics and comunication. He’s been making “Libri Bianchi” (White Books) for around 9 years. Lives and works between Florence and Milan.